Make the Perfect Vinaigrette

We expect a lot from oil and vinegar dressings, or vinaigrettes, as they're also called. Even the simplest one is asked to do nothing less than defy the laws of nature.

That's because oil and vinegar don't mix. No doubt you've seen this yourself — shake up a bottle of salad dressing and the two parts come together. But set the bottle down and in seconds they start to separate again, until all the oil is at the top and all the vinegar is at the bottom.

The best we can do is encourage them to come together for a little while, which they will grudgingly do, provided we shake, stir or otherwise mix them up really well.

We call that a temporary emulsion — temporary because the oil and vinegar begin to separate as soon as you stop mixing, stirring or whatever. (An example of a permanent emulsion, by the way, is mayonnaise, but that's another story.) Here are a few tips and tricks to help your vinaigrettes turn out perfectly every time.

If you remember nothing else about vinaigrettes, remember this: the magic ratio of oil to vinegar is 3 to 1. As long as you know that, you won't need to consult a vinaigrette recipe ever again. Just remember three parts oil to one part vinegar and you'll be all right. If you get them backwards and do three parts vinegar to one part oil, your puckered mouth will ensure you don't make that mistake a second time.

So, is this 3:1 ratio set in stone? Yes! OK, actually, it's not. Different vinegars have different strengths, so the ratio might need to be adjusted somewhat. You also might want a more tart dressing sometimes, and other times something a little milder. For the most part, though, the 3:1 ratio represents the vinaigrette sweet spot. Get it somewhere in the vicinity and you're going to do just fine.

By the way, the best way to test the flavor of your vinaigrette is to dip a piece of lettuce in, shake off the excess and then take a bite. This will give you a better sense of how your salad will taste than by tasting the vinaigrette "straight."

Generally speaking, any oils labeled "vegetable oil" or "salad oil" are fine for making a basic vinaigrette. You could also use any light, neutral-flavored oil like safflower, canola or soybean oil. One of the most common variations is to substitute olive oil for salad oil. If you do this, make sure you use extra virgin olive oil, not the cheaper, "light" varieties. When you consider the wide range of flavored oils that are available today, including such distinctive oils as walnut or avocado, the possible variations on the basic vinaigrette formula are literally endless. The most neutral flavored vinegar is white vinegar, but we wouldn't likely use this in a vinaigrette. At the very least, use a white wine vinegar. But the flavors and types of specialty vinegars, like balsamic, sherry or raspberry, are as varied and diverse as can be. Cider vinegar is made from apples and is a good choice for fruity vinaigrettes. Balsamic vinegar, sweet, dark and aged in specially treated wooden casks, is one of the most sublime vinegars you can find. Another interesting choice, especially for Asian-flavored vinaigrettes, is rice vinegar, which is made from fermented rice. Lemon juice is a nice component to add to vinaigrettes. It's usually used to complement and enhance the vinegar, rather than replacing it altogether — although a simple dressing of olive oil and lemon juice drizzled over a fresh summer salad is hard to beat.

For that matter, you can use all kinds of juices in vinaigrettes, not just lemon — though citrus fruits such as lemon, lime and orange juice are used most commonly because of their high acid content. Orange juice adds sweetness in addition to tartness. Each citrus fruit has its own unique flavor profile, but the overall vinaigrette formula is the same.

A simple vinaigrette doesn't need more seasoning than a bit of Kosher salt and ground white pepper. But minced garlic, onion, shallot and herbs (fresh and dried) are often part of the mix, along with spices such as black pepper, celery seed, paprika and so on. Other ingredients, such as mustard or Worcestershire sauce, are not uncommon.

Honey happens to be a great addition to a vinaigrette, firstly because it adds sweetness, which is nice sometimes to counterbalance the tartness from your vinegar, citrus or whatever. But also because it helps stabilize the emulsion. A vinaigrette with honey in it will remain emulsified for a long time — certainly longer than it takes to eat a salad. Honey vinaigrettes are great for presentations, where you don't want the oil and vinegar separating all over the plate.

The most effective way of combining the oil and the vinegar is in a blender. If you don't have a blender, you can combine everything in a glass or stainless steel bowl and just whisk them together thoroughly. (Just don't use an aluminum bowl — the acid in the vinegar can react with the aluminum, producing a metallic flavor.) You could even seal the ingredients in a clean glass jar or bottle and shake to combine.

For best results, all your ingredients should be at room temperature when you begin. The cooler the oil, the more difficult it is to make an emulsion.

Once you've mixed things up, it's nice to let the flavors meld for a while, especially when you go beyond the basic formula and introduce additional ingredients like minced onion, garlic, herbs and so on. Ideally, then, you'd prepare the vinaigrette in advance and then let it sit for anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. Just don't refrigerate it during this time!

Here are a few to get you started: And for a great, simple salad you can have every day, check out Danilo's Everyday Salad.

Finally, here are a couple of videos that demonstrate the vinaigrette process: How to Make a Vinaigrette and Make Raspberry Vinaigrette.